Our Instructors

Our Instructors

Our Instructors are not only dive professionals but they also public safety experts with experience in a wide variety of rescue and emergency medical service specialties. These instructors will bring your topical and expert level training to ensure that you are properly trained to dive safely and attend to those that need immediate help. 
 Approved Diving Emergency Medical Responder Instructors - Worldwide
United Kingdom and Europe
Chantelle Newman - Course Director - info@thedivermedic.com -  Worldwide
Steve Cook - steve@andark.co.uk - +44 (0)1489 581755 - All Areas 
Clive Andy Lomas - 07931778400 - scubacal72@gmail.com -  Areas: North of UK
Brian Fanthom - Area: West Midlands
Nicolas Driviere - Area: Kos Greece -+33 651 478 802 mac-dive@outlook.com

United States of America and Mexico

Ed Benjamin - ed@ecycleelectric.com - Florida, Keys and surrounding areas

Sandy Shaw - sandy@sandyshoresscuba.com -  New Jersey, New York, North East sector.

Elliott Dix - elliott@apparentropy.com -  +1 980 253 6470 - USA and Worldwide

Luke Inman  - info@cortezexpeditions.com - +521612 146 4863 - Mexico

 Jody Pratt - info@confederationdivers.com - Canada, Halifax, St John, Montreal, Toronto and surrounding areas
Rest of the World
Mink Tsai - mink_tsie@hotmail.com - New Taipei City 
Vishwanath Rajan - scubaevolutionindia@gmail.com  INDIA
Colin and Emily Wilson - wilsoncs77@gmail.com  Dubai /Middle East

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